For Adobe After Effects

What is it?
The Typewriter Effect template for Adobe After Effects has everything you need to create a realistic typewriter animation with your custom text. It's perfect for video intros or displaying your company name and logo!
With a couple typewriters to choose from, you have complete and easy control over the movement of the typewriter body, carriage, paper, or text. You can choose your paper, font, font size, type speed, and more. And with the latest update, the key strikes and carriage shifts are automatic, so you can simply enter a line of text, and the animation is ready to render. And by popular demand, multiple lines of text are now easier than ever!
Reveal your text with a
vintage typewriter animation!

Choose between two typewriters that automatically type out your text
High resolution images allow you to zoom close in, or all the way out to reveal the entire typewriter
10 paper textures
40 typewriter sound effects
Choose your typing speed, font, and font size
Supports multiple lines of text

This tutorial shows how to customize the Typewriter Effect with your own text.
Old Version:
The original version of the effect is more work, but it allows you to have more control over timing in your animation, since each key strike is keyframed manually. If you are unable to accomplish what you want with the updated (2022) project file, then open the older (2017) file included in the download, and follow this two-part tutorial.

Need to Know
This template is compatible with Adobe After Effects, version CS3 and all later versions (The latest update of the template is only compatible with AE 2022 and up). Works in both Windows and macOS. No plugins required. Last updated 10/16/2022.
If your text fits on one line, and you leave the text at its default size and position, the animation is completely automatic. If you have multiple lines of text, a little bit of keyframing is required (shown in the tutorial).
Comps are HD (1920x1080) by default. The effect will work the same in any resolution, including 4K. Simply change the dimensions of the final comp.
This template has been "universalized", so it will work in After Effects running in any language.
The Typewriter Effect template is not a plugin, so there is nothing to install. Rather, it's an Adobe After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because most of the work is already done and the user needs only to make their own customizations. This template is compatible with version CS3 as well as all later versions of After Effects.
Typewriter Effect contains copyrighted intellectual property. The animations you create with this product are 100% yours and can be used for commercial purposes, but the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.
Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.