For Adobe After Effects

What is it?
The Light Leaks template allows users to easily customize a variety of HD or 4K light leak effects in Adobe After Effects. The light leaks can then be composited over your footage to create transitions for editing, get an old-film look, or just add energy and style to your video.
Along with the custom effects and textures, this template also includes 115 seconds of HD light leak footage for fast and easy compositing. The footage is a combination of authentic light leaks captured in-camera (Super 8mm and DSLR), as well as pre-rendered computer-generated light leaks.

A short 4K light leak clip sells for $179 or more on a stock footage site like Shutterstock.
That makes you a smarty-pants for shopping here!

Need to Know
This template is compatible with Adobe After Effects , version CS5 and all later versions. Works in both Windows and macOS. No plugins required.
This template includes:
5 custom light leak comps in both HD (1920x1080) and 4K (3840x2160). Customize with easy-to-use slider controls.
5 custom, animated texture comps in both HD and 4K. Texture comps have textures that change on each frame, and can be overlaid over your footage.
5 unique HD light leak video clips, totaling 115 seconds of footage, including old film light leaks, DSLR light leaks, and pre-rendered CG light leaks.
Footage and music in demo video not included.
This template has been "universalized", so it will work in After Effects running in any language.
The Light Leaks template is not a plugin, so there is nothing to install. Rather, it's an Adobe After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because most of the work is already done and the user needs only to make their own customizations. This template is compatible with version CS5 as well as all later versions of After Effects.
Light Leaks contains copyrighted intellectual property. The animations you create with this product are 100% yours and can be used for commercial purposes, but the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.
Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.
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