Slit-Scan Effect
Warp time and motion in After Effects!
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What is it?
The Slit-Scan Effect scans your footage from one side to another, freezing pixels as it moves. This creates surreal, trippy trails behind moving objects, a look popularized in phone filters. Now, you can achieve the same effect in Adobe After Effects with this customizable template. Easily adjust the scan’s angle, direction, duration, and resolution to fine-tune the effect to your needs. There’s even an option to reverse the scan, seamlessly unfreezing the footage.
Also included is the Time Warper Effect, which bends time in wild and unpredictable ways. Moving objects distort and stretch while stationary ones stay intact, making people appear to have stretchy, rubbery limbs.
Both effects are part of the Creation Trippy Effects package, featuring 100 trippy video effects and psychedelic animations.

Want a better deal? These time-warping effects are taken from the Creation Trippy Effects template, a huge collection of custom trippy animations and psychedelic looks for footage, for Adobe After Effects.
The Slit-Scan Effect is compatible with Adobe After Effects, v.17 (2020) and all later versions. Works in both Windows and macOS. No plugins required.
This template has been "universalized", meaning it will work in After Effects running in other languages.
Included are two project files, in HD (1920x1080) and 4K (4096x2160). For other resolutions, you can change the resolution of the comps and precomps.
Footage and music in demo video not included.