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Digital static glitch texture
Lens flare effect for Creation Glitch Effects

For Adobe After Effects

Lens flare element

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Make Custom Glitch FX & Transitions in After Effects
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Lens flare design element for Glitch Effects page

What is it?

Creation Glitch Effects for Adobe After Effects is a collection of over 200 video effects, audio effects, stock footage clips, and transitions that imitate damaged or corrupt digital video. It's perfect for creating glitch art, or for video or film editors who need authentic-looking effects and total control over their look, behavior, and timing.


For the editor in a hurry, simply drop in your HD or 4K footage and immediately export any of the 18 glitch-look presets. Or, build your own unique glitch-look by combining any of the glitch effects. All effects can be customized with easy-to-use controls.

Customize a huge variety of glitch effects for your footage!

Green pixelated glitch texture
TV color bars with scan lines and blocky displacement glitch


52 Video Glitch Effects

Custom glitches for your footage, such as skipping, freezing, RGB channel offset, and blocky displacement. Effects are easy to apply and totally customizable. Combine effects for a unique glitch that totally destroys your footage (or just adds a subtle defect - it's up to you!)

Anamorphic lens flare for glitches

72 Glitchy Transition Effects

Dozens of glitch transitions with sound effects for the cuts in your video. Easily extend durations, adjust their intensity, or combine multiple transition FX on a single cut.

50 Audio Glitch Effects

Over six minutes of glitchy, ear-splitting sound effects that you can add to your glitched-up footage. Also included are custom, glitchy-sounding effects for screwing up the audio in your footage.

24 Stock Footage Clips

Nearly 3 minutes of loopable, 4K video files featuring digital glitch textures and analog TV static. Edit them into your video, or composite them over your footage for a quick glitch-look.

18 Glitch-Look Presets

Don't have time to build your own glitch-look? The 18 presets combine mutliple effects into a unique glitch-look. Control the intensity of the combined effects with a single slider control. Just drop in your footage and the presets are ready to go.

Glitch Texture Generator

If the stock footage clips don't have what you need, create your own custom glitch textures using the Glitch Texture Generator. Through customization and blending modes, endless looks can be achieved. Or, use any of the seven finished glitch texture presets.

Blocky digital static glitch texture background
Watch the Creation Glitch Effects tutorial for Adobe After Effects

Written instructions can be found throughout the template. But to get the most out of the effects, watch this video, which walks you through the entire Creation Glitch Effects template. 

Preview the 18 glitch presets for your footage, included with Creation Glitch Effects for After Effects.

Watch this video to preview the 18 glitchy presets. Users can reference this video to select a glitch look for their footage. 

Preview some of the glitchy transition effects included with the Creation Glitch Effects package for After Effects.

This video features 30 of the 72 included glitch transitions. Turn down the volume and protect your ears from the glitchy goodness.

Watch how to make a datamosh glitch with your footage in Adobe After Effects

View examples, and learn how to use the included datamosh transition effect. 

digital glitches noise and static texture
Lens flare effect, Glitch FX for After Effects

Need to Know

  • This template is compatible with Adobe After Effects , versions CS6 and all later versions. Works in both Windows and macOS. No plugins required.

  • Your download includes both an HD (1920x1080) version and a 4K (4096x2160) version of the template.

  • The Datamosh effect in this template is a transition effect which affects approximately 5 seconds of video. The datamosh effect takes several minutes to set up, and you will need to watch the Datamosh video tutorial to use it effectively. DISCLAIMER: this is merely an effect that mimics datamoshing. It is not real datamoshing and is not a perfect reproduction. Watch the examples in the Datamosh video tutorial to see if it suits your purposes.

  • All glitch effects and audio effects in the demo video are created using the template. Music, text comps, and footage placeholders from the demo video are NOT included.

  • Because of the included 4K stock footage, the total file size is quite large (750 MB). Please allow yourself plenty of time when downloading.

  • This template has been "universalized", so it will work in After Effects running in any language.

Creation Glitch Effects is not a plugin, so there is nothing to install. Rather, it's an Adobe After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because most of the work is already done and the user needs only to make their own customizations. This template is compatible with version CS6 as well as all later versions of After Effects.

Creation Glitch Effects contains copyrighted intellectual property. The animations you create with this product are 100% yours and can be used for commercial purposes, but the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.

Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.

baby in carseat with a corrupted rainbow-colored pixelation glitch effect
Man in VR headseat with a custom glitch effect made with Creation Glitch Effects
A cusom video player effect for your footage, with slow internet loading and low-quality compression effect

If you came from the YouTube link, here is your Quicktime movie (24MB). If clicking doesn't start the download, then right-click the link and choose to save the file to your hard drive.

Looking for the "Digital Glitch Texture" clip?

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