About Creation Effects
Creation Effects produces animations and visual effects that users can customize to suit the needs of their project. These effects are huge timesavers for video professionals, filmmakers, casual YouTubers, or anybody who uses Adobe After Effects – the industry standard software for motion graphics, compositing, and visual effects. If you've never used After Effects, don't panic – each effect has a video tutorial that walks you through the customization process. Most of the products on this site are After Effects templates, which are simply AE project files, designed to be easily customized. Creation Effects often spends months building an effect from scratch in After Effects, perfecting the look, and making it completely customizable and accessible to everyone – both in terms of ease of use as well as price.
In addition to the AE templates, Creation Effects offers free tutorials and training for After Effects users of all experience levels. And on the Freebies page, you'll find a variety of free resources such as AE presets, templates, video overlays, and other valuable tools for editors and designers.
Creation Effects was launched in 2012 by artist Noel Powell. Admittedly, I'm not a businessman. For ten years, my marketing strategy consisted of a main demo video and a tutorial on YouTube for each product - and that's it. Yet, Creation Effects has grown beyond anything I ever envisioned, in large part through word of mouth. My customers are amazing and fiercely loyal. Read what customers have shared with me below.
To contact Noel at Creation Effects, please use the following form.
Your email is needed so I can respond. I have no desire whatsoever to share it with any other party, and you won't get promotional junk from me either. Remember to specify which template you're asking about - I gave up mind-reading long ago. Please check the FAQ and watch the video tutorial for your product before contacting me for support. If you state your question clearly and include all the relevant details, there's a better chance that I can answer it quickly. Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated, and I also love to see what customers create, so please send me a link. If you prefer, you can send me a message on the Creation Effects Facebook page.
A little about me
Contrary to popular belief on YouTube, I'm not Steve Buscemi. My name is Noel Powell - genuine ginger, colorblind artist, father of four, husband of one, soccer player, movie fanatic, and After Effects veteran with over 20 years of experience. I work from home, where Creation Effects faces stiff competition for my attention. My family gets priority of course, but whenever I find time, I'm sitting in my office chair, building up this site. My back is killing me, and I love every minute of it.
When I started CFX in 2012, I was hesitant to disclose it was a one-man operation, fearing that customers wouldn’t take it seriously. What I eventually learned though, is that customers figure it out anyway… and they think it’s great! The encouragement and feedback I receive is incredible, and it drives me to keep creating. And now I can spend more time creating than ever, since my wife Josie is helping with the business.
Being so small with so little overhead costs, I can afford to provide quality effects for low prices. I suffer from acute perfectionism, which is both my blessing and my curse. Symptoms include spending anywhere from two to eight months creating a single template. I have always strived to design visual effects that are Creative, Customizable, Challenging to make, and have the Cool-factor. If it doesn't have the four C's, I'll likely move on to the next idea. And I make customer service my priority, so if you have questions or comments, let me know through the contact form above. I respond as soon as I see the message, which is often immediately.

My background
I grew up the son of missionaries, living in Europe, West Africa, and the States. That might sound like an exotic childhood, but in between the Alpine skiing and sling shot hunting with my pet monkey on my shoulder, I was mostly sitting in my room, drawing. I went on to study Art at Taylor University - a small, Christian liberal-arts school in Indiana. I like to think that I'm still an artist, having traded my paintbrush for pixels. My work background started with freelance painting and portraiture, then shifted to live TV and video production, and eventually evolved into graphic design and video post-production.
I did the corporate 9-to-5 thing for five years after college, working in video production and graphic design. As my soul was slowly dying, I started uploading photos and video clips to stock websites like Pond5 and Shutterstock. As my portfolio grew, so did its earnings, and in 2006, I was able to quit my day job and work full time as a microstock contributor. After dabbling in creating After Effects templates and selling them on the stock sites, I became hooked on After Effects. I shifted my focus to develop more templates, and put my highest-quality templates onto a little site I threw together called Creation Effects, which I launched in 2012. Some of my templates are still available on the stock sites, and in 2017, I was featured in Pond5's blog as one of their "Best-Selling Motion Graphics Artists". I have many more original template ideas, and until the day AI steals my job, I will continue to develop more creative effects for creators like yourself!
My customers are awesome! Sometimes they email me, and sometimes I post their comments here. Their encouragement inspires me to keep creating.
(Or read the Facebook reviews)
"I bought a couple of your products and I'm completely amazed! I've been doing After Effects for nearly 10 years and I've never come across anything even close to your work. You are a genius and I wish you all the best!"
"We've been using the Creation Art Effects package in the studio for a few months now and I just wanted to let you know that my editors, my animator, and I think what you've made is awesome. A single one of the included templates is more that worth it, setup cost to build just one ourselves would run us way over your purchase price. It saves us time, it makes us look good, and I felt compelled to tell you about it."
"As always, amazing, fantastic, sick! Hats off to you, beautiful genious!"
"Your customer service is 5-star sir!"
"I just read the article about you in this months Post Mag and felt compelled to write you quickly. In my almost 30 years experience as a freelance editor I have to say I don't think I have ever come across anything like what you are offering. Incredible work. Your templates are simply amazing and such an incredible time and money saver. Congrats on an incredible product and I look forward to seeing what new templates you release in the coming months."
"I have told you once, but I have to tell you again, I'm a huge fan and hard user of all of your work. Buying the entire library was one of the best investments I have made in my life."
"I want to tell you that this template is marvellous! Thank you very much, my best buy ever!"
"Consider me a life long fan! The depth and detail and customizability I’m finding in your Beast, Critters, Micro, and Film is unparalleled and so inspiring. It truly is a joy working and playing with your one-of-a-kind tools!"
"Hey man! Just bought the VHS effects and 80's intro. Great stuff man. The best thing I could find on the internet. Authentic."
"What you've done here is brilliant!"
"Your templates are so beautiful and I'm amazed at the value you pack in each one."
"This is the level of professionalism that inspires trust."
"You sir, are a genius! Not just for the vast amount of knowledge, effort and detail you put into your work, but the fact that you had the idea to make such amazing templates (Micro) that do so much and allow so much user customisation in the first place. I've seen lots of After Effects templates that purport to be similar to your work but they are all very limited one-trick ponies compared with what you do. I'm astounded, and I take my hat off to you."
"The [Creation Art Effects] suite worked PERFECTLY. I love it madly and I'm so, so grateful you're selling this tool. It's absolutely perfect, and thank you."
"Been working with your templates the last couple of days, and I’ve got to say the work you’ve done here is nothing short of brilliant and excellent work! Thank you for templates that are truly inspiring."
"Unbelievable. I thought some of your earlier effects were truly wonderful, but Ocean is simply spectacular. Kudos to you, Noel and your team. You keep raising the bar."
"Hi Noel! Just wanted to thank you for the fantastic Flocks/Swarms/Schools templates; I've been directing a low-budget kids' YouTube show for the past several months, and those templates have been invaluable in several episodes. I've come to rely on them to deliver fast, easy, fun effects."
"Looking forward to using [Creation Art Effects] in my upcoming music videos. I’ve been delighted with the three templates I’ve bought so far from Creation Effects. Brilliant products. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼"
"I've been using templates from Creation Effects for many years now and out of deep gratitude would like to state, that for me, being an internationally successful Video Designer for Stage Events, like Opera, Theatre, Dance and Music, my workflows, and therefore life, is made a lot easier thanks to Noel Powell/s work . He works and creates with such passion, eye for detail in always with an artistic approach, that makes me cheer regularly during workflows. He just really knows what he is doing, with such humour and commitment to make the life of any Video Creator so easy. Thank you Noel for your lovely, extraordinary work!"
"Everything looks awesome! I really, really cannot thank you enough, Noel! :) Creation Effects will forever be my go-to!"
""Dude! I just purchased and downloaded the Landscaper. Wow! The pre-designed scenes are incredible! Great job. I can tell a lot of time and thought went into these. This is well worth the price and I hope you're selling a bunch of products. Very high quality and I couldn't be happier. Just wanted to say thanks."
(This customer paid full price for the Complete Library and I assumed he forgot to use the 40% discount code...)
"I appreciate your email regarding the Black Friday deal. That is so nice of you! I was aware of the deal. But the amount of effort / work you put on each of your projects, the bundle was really worth 10x times more of that price for me. I just couldn't use the discount on something so valuable: You deserve much more!"
"These effects are really fantastic & as a fellow designer I do appreciate the craftsmanship you put into them."
"Thanks again for your time and valuable guidance. This [Custom 3D Storybook] is one of the best masterpiece I've bought so far. I can see a lot of thinking and effort placed crafting this masterpiece. It's just awesome. I spent time going through your youtube tutorial and it was very helpful."
"I bought your VHS effects & love it!"
"Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I just downloaded your VHS pack and I absolutely love it, it's pretty much the most authentic and powerful I've seen so far (and I can tell since I collect VHS myself)."
"When I found your video I couldn't believe my eyes. Your good work is going to help me finally make a dream come true."
"Hello my friend I bought your wonderful filters yesterday. What you did is absolutely genius"
"Amazing, work, dude, VERY well done."
"I'm completely new at AE. Never used before yesterday. Bought your Curtain template ($10) and was able to finish my first complete project today. Very clearly organized. I bought another template from pond5 for end credits and I saw the difference. What a mess compared to your product! Will be back for more."
"I just purchased your template 3D Storybook Book & Intro and am astonished. It's awesome."
"I LOVE Film Effects---Really love it!"
"Dude!!! I’m almost speechless. As a fine artist working in various media I KNOW the work that went into creating such realistic texture & detail in your beautiful templates 😍 As a video artist & designer who’s new to After Effects I’m amazed 🤯 Thank you for all your hard work and creating this spectacular and reasonably priced tool. I’m now able to execute and create imagery that I’ve only imagined being able to do👏🏿👏🏿 👏🏿"
"was shocked to find such a significant set of AFX tools I didn't know about. You Sir, are now on my radar officially!"
"I purchased your Mixed Media software, and I love it! Thanks for all of the quality templates. This one is especially fun."
"I never write or hardly ever subscribe, but i couldn't move-on without telling you of your gr8 work. I am soooooo impressed words cant describe. ur work is FLAWLESS. it has the 1st and last impression of someone who is a definite MASTER. i know this probably sounds corny but it is exceptional quality. my jaw has truly dropped, ive done alot of searching around but i haven't seen anything close 2 ur design and quality. wow, keep it up dude!"
"I was completely flabbergasted by your Infinite Horizon! A newbie like me can almost create a sci-fi scene with just that product."
"I've been recommending creation effects to a couple of my editing mates as well - hopefully they will check your amazing work out."
"Thanks also for your fabulous templates… they ROCK and that’s official! Just wish I had more money and I’d buy ‘em all! Oh, well maybe one day… a fella can dream, can’t he?"
"I love what you're doing, fantastic!"
"Your Landscaper plugin is insane! I can't get enough of it."
"What I want to say is your attention to detail, even to someone like myself, is obvious and over the top. I don't know if you need encouragement or not, but I love your work and no, I am not asking for a discount, lol. I just felt impressed to let you know you're really great. You may indeed be a Geek, but you're even more of an artist. I really appreciate your work and I hope you have great success."
"We purchased the full package (Complete Library). I just wanted to say that this is a very impressive amount of work and that these effects are top notch. This is coming from someone who has used AE for over 20 years! Great job and thank you for creating this wonderful collection of effects."
"My name is James and I'm a CreationEffects-aholic. ☺"
"Dear Sir, All these amazing things your customers have written to you are fantastic and true. And ....AI has no chance to compete with you."
"Hello my friend I bought your wonderful filters yesterday. What you did is absolutely genius"
"I love your projects, they are amazing"
"Just downloaded the Bundle, PHENOMENAL Value for the Price, as a person who made his living with AE for many years and has quite some experience with expressions, i have to say, these are some solid templates! Its also very appropriate for AE Novices though... And while you can customize EVERYTHING about the Animation, its very easy to create something beautiful quickly, thanks to the sample designs... so far i am 110% satisfied 🙏"
"Love your space fx for AE!!!!"
"Just started playing around with your Schools program. Man, I'm pretty sure you must be a wizard/magician!! The results you can get are amazing. Thank you!"
"Love Creation Glitch Effects!"
"I appreciate your help. I also appreciate all the work and care you put into all the plugins and resources you create. It's awesome stuff and I can't tell you how many people I have sent to your site over these past years. I'm a big fan of your work."
"I just started working with the Creation Art Effects. They are so incredibly good looking, its really amazing !! Thank you for this great work , it fills my movie with life ! :)"
"the more I work with your filters the more I love them. They are really unique. You put so much work into that and I hope it pays back."
"just want to say I've been using the Creation Glitch Effects for awhile now, and love it very much!"
"Hi Noel! Freelance animator here, having a good day. I have a project debuting for my first "big name" client and your VHS Effects made it possible. Bending After Effects to my will brings me a lot of joy, but what you've made is truly next level. I love your brain. Thank you for following your passions!"
"I just want to encourage you by saying, you're doing a fantastic job!"
"Thank you for your tremendous work on Landscaper. Very cleverly made. Actually like all your creation effects templates I used up until now. I enjoy every minute working with them. So thank you for your kind and thoughtful approach. Great work!"
"I have been using AE professionally for over 10 years and have only now discovered your work. Very impressive."
"your customer service really is great. Keep up the good work."
"I must say I get more baffled and intrigued every time I tinker with your absurdly brilliant template! [Creation Art Effects] Everything looks so good that I think – I can stop here – but then I know it could be even better!"
"Finally squeezing out some time and digging into the Elephants project and just floored by how much customizability and genius that went into creating this. Its really inspiring me in ways to approach my own character rigs that I never would have thought of in a million years!"
"I recently bought your Space Effects Collection. It's awesome."
"I love your stuff and definitely will be coming back"
"I'm in love with Landscaper!"
"I bought the creation VHS effects and put it to good use - Thanks for the awesome effect/filter! keep it up!"
"these effects are awesome!"
"I’m a beginner in Adobe After Effects. I’m making a video with photos for my family. I bought a storybook template from you. I just want to say that you did an amazing job. It’s beautifully made, the YouTube tutorial is excellent, and everything is so clear. I honestly love you for this."
"I'm working - as a volunteer - on a video tour for the Museum of the Mountain West in Montrose, Colorado. Your effects are perfect for the project. And I don't have to get a doctorate in After Effects. Saved so much time and frustration. Within a few hours I was able to create a great intro to the tour with pencil effects. Thanks so much. Looking forward to playing with the old film effect."
"Great work, plan on getting a few more items from you in the future."
"I'm very impressed with your work. Thank you very much for creating all these extraordinarily useful and fantastic-looking templates and effects. You've saved me huge amounts of time and the result is top notch."
"I would like to thank you for your quick, excellent and relentless tech support. As such I would be interested to know of their is a way I could send you additional compensation"
"thanks for the template! Beautiful work - we love it"
"I just want to let you know I appreciate your work. I’ve only bought 2 of your products, but I’m sure I’ll find future reasons to purchase more. Anyhoo, I’m a fan. Thank you."
"Well, I'm back after the purchase and man can I say this was worth the purchase, I've been able to create many videos for my visual pleasure and for others as well, Customer Service is 10/10. First time I open the project file It was with ease, If your a windows user it does take time for it to convert it from a MAC to Windows version but other then that its real easy, This is honestly hands down a really GOOD product. I do plan on buying the Old Film effect in the later future for other projects cause I know that they come from someone experienced."
"I love the intros/effects and will make good use of them."
"Just bought your templates for After Effects last week. I gotta tell ya….it’s about the best stuff I’ve ever seen. Very well done!! I can tell the amount of time and dedication you put into it. The thoroughness and organization in UI is impressive. Keep up the good work!"
"HI!!!! I have sooooo enjoyed [Creation Art Effects]. Thank you so much."
"I'll sure buy another product soon, I'm looking at that Glitch package, it looks amazing."
"Thank you, Noel. What you've created with these film effects is simply astounding."
"This my friend is one of the most SIMPLE to use and WELL Organized Templates I've EVER seen. It has TONS and TONS of good content to add to pages too. Exceptional Quality. 5 Stars. Cheers."
"First let me say this: I've watched your tutorial video about Infinite Horizon 3 times and two words come to mind: WOW ! & BRAVO !! This template is a masterpiece. It's powerful, complete and... complex. So full of well-thought features!"
"Just to add to your long list of testimonials here in 2022, these film effects and transitions are freakin *amazing*, and I've been doing this for a long time."
"I just bought your title effects and they are really great!! So many hours you must have put behind this. Amazing!"
"I just wanted to say that I loved what I was able to do with "Swarms" and it's something I will consider using on every project, because it's so user-friendly. So thank you for making this product, I hope more people can find it. I will keep an eye on your company and look forward to whatever you make next!
"Love your effects - I am in the process of using one of your creations and I'm really impressed!"
"these effects are awesome!"
"I'll deffo be using your comps for other work down the line..."
"Bought your Aurora/Northern Lights AE template and just wanted to say, "Bravo!" Very well done, and it obviously saves me a good deal of time trying to create that effect from scratch."
"I'm so happy with the effects you created! Thank you!"
"I bought Wisp a few months ago. I'm loving the effects, they're fitting in beautifully with my videos."
"I came across your site a couple of weeks back and downloaded a couple of your freebies. They worked so well that I went further and bought Flocks and Swarms. I really love your stuff!"
"This guy's absolutely brilliant to work with, helpful, talented, great effects. Thanks"
"Thanks so much for all your time and help on this. I will certainly be giving you a great recommendation!!"
"I purchased your 'Typewriter Effect' template. I thought it was really well put together. You saved me a good 40 hours of work. Keep an eye out for your typewriter in a music video from Weird Al's next album."
"Thank you very much, can't believe how outstanding is this template, warm congratulations again!"
"fantastic work!"
“I've just bought the creation art effects bundle and I just wanted to congratulate with you! The effort and the dedication you put into these effects really comes across, the filters quality is top notch and even the instructions on every single effect are very precise and exhaustive. Needless to say I'm very satisfied with the purchase! Tremendous work! Well done!”
"Your video tutorials are amazing, it’s like traveling the world for free. Brilliant.
“Fantastic tutorial, terrific teacher, great sense of humour -- thanks Noel.”
"I hope this business is going really well for you, your work is awesome and saves so much time. I’m just going through these templates and the amount of work you’ve put into them is mind boggling."
"Your book template is wonderful!"
"i hv bought the 3D Fairy Tale Storybook, it is bloody great"
"Your "Terra" from Creation Effects is just brilliant ! Like all your products so professional and detailed."
"we are enjoying your wonderful templates. We will keep an eye on your website for future tools."
"Did I ever mention I think you're a complete and utter genius. If not, I just did. Thanks!"
"I love Creation Effects, Have some unique templates for a very low cost! I got swarms, flocks and falling leaves 🍁 and this help me to create unique stories with my daughter 🙂 The templates are very easy to work with and there are guide videos what make easy to understand how to use it. I definitely recommend Creation Effects!!"
"Your effects packages are simply amazing. Thanks for all you offer!"
"Great work on all of these effects. Truly A+ stuff."
"I want to thank you again for the Glitch pack I purchased off you back in May - It works and is perfect and I'm having a really fun time with it. it has also given me the chance to learn."
"And congratulations on all your AE templates. Your awesome, I'm already convincing my crew to buy another one"
"I like your work very much and it fits perfectly my needs."
"So I think I have watched all of your videos from the past seven years. You are a beast bro. I hope the way I am presenting my son's album through your 3D Storybook template will cross over your message to the culture. You are a true talent."
"I must say, I'm really excited for the work that you do and really look forward to what you come up with in the future. A lot of guys in this space just make simple non-customizable templates, but the stuff that you do is truly another level. Keep up the good work!"
"I purchase from you few years ago Pencil Sketch effect and it is amazing EFFECT!"
"The result is spectacular and I am very satisfied with the template."
"I've been going through all the UE4 tutorials for very specific subjects. You are unquestionably amongst the top and best out there. Straight to the point, concise, no mistakes or at least you edit them. Simplified blueprints with no unnecessary variables or functions. You saved me a bunch of time and will definitely give you credit for the help you've provided (unintentionally lol) once I'm done with this thing ;) Cheers mate."
"First of all thank you so much for the template, now that i opened it right i can see how well made it is!"
"I watched your videos; they are easy to follow and very informative."
"This [Infinite Horizon] is really cool. I’m just getting into video and motion graphics. Being an audio engineer I thought I would just pick things up super quick. Not so much lol. But you’re templates(I’ve bought a few) make it to where even a novice like myself can learn a great deal. Great work homie! And props to all the video/film peeps. Visual arts is some intense stuff. Thanks again!!"
"Thanks again- this is an amazing, realistic AE template. Keep up the great work"
"Thank you for your excellent work and inspiration."
"Thank you for creating such a wonderful template for my book trailer. It is fantastic."
"Thanks for everything! For the quick response, for the good explanation and the great job with the templates, Again, it's all amazing! Your upscaling suggestion did the trick perfectly! I'm Very happy with the results!
"The album was very impressive and it came out amazing. I am so glad I got it. It has given me the chance to get to know after effects and I am considering taking a class to learn how to work with it more efficiently. Your work is very original and I am impressed by your endless patience and fast response with amateurs."
"Just got the ShapeShift transition, your work is amazing i don't know how you aren't more popular, I'm kinda addicted to what you make."
"I am a really big fan of your site because you all have such amazing stuff! One of my favorites is the glitch effect bundle."
"Thank you so much for the effort! finally a useful, customizable, realistic 3D book for after effects."
"So happy to have access to your fine work, and I am very appreciative of your one-man band aesthetic! I'm just a video hobbyist, fascinated by the computer potential to create things! Your various templates are sprinkled around my channel."
"I have to say that what you do is really amazing."
"What you created here is really stunning. Thats so great and worth the Money, no doubt."
"Amazing work and time saver!! Worth's the money for sure!:) Thanks for the convenience! :)"
"I want to give a shout out and say thanks for the space effects collection. Before I discovered your product I put so many hours into a zoom out earth effect using stills and photos from various lengths from the ground out to space. CG visual effects are definitely not my area of expertise. Of course, as an independent Chicago filmmaker and with this being a short low budget film, I prefer to avoid the cost of a third party taking care of it. What I will have now are striking visuals to accompany a grand score cue at the closing of the film. I will be sure to credit: CreationEffects.com. A wonderful product!"
"I absolutely LOVE your templates and tutorials and you are incredibly talented. it’s so amazing and not only saves me so much time but really fires up my imagination and allows me to be creative in ways I couldn’t without your help. And your tutorials are so clear and fun to watch."
"Thank you for the datamosh setup its amazing!!"
"I just purchased Flocks and watched your tutorial, and I just want to say this is SUCH and incredibly well done tutorial and fascinating way of creating this. You've actually saved an enormous amount of time for me with this and I really can't thank you enough. I LOVE after effects and your breakdown on all of this was really thorough (and immensely entertaining)... All the very best and thanks again"
"Hi Noel, I absolutely love 3D Effect Flip Book."
"stunning work, really, really quite incredible the amount of time you must have put into it. Having a ball just using defaults. Beautiful!"
"thanks for your wunderful 3D Book Animations."
"I had purchased the vhs effects which were really awesome beyond my expectations."
"We recently purchased [Creation Glitch Effects] and I love it so far. It's really an amazing project. I am an editor and am editing a spot and it is going to add a awesome element to the piece. I have been looking for a tool like this for awhile so thank you so much for providing it."
"Amazing! I love your templates! "
"I have just started with Landcaper and think that this is an Amazing Idea and a very useful tool!!! 😀 Can't imagine how much man hours it took to put it all together."
"I would like to congratulate you for your good work, it is amazing. I bought the fary tale animation effect."
"thank you for making such amazing effects. Your work is truly inspiring and I can't wait to use your products. Thank you!"
"I purchased Flock, Swarms and Schools the other day. Firstly, Very well done! I keep going back to your preview video on YouTube and still can't believe you haven't got more comments or views as this is definitely the best thing I have seen to achieve flocks of birds out there that is inside of After Effects."
"thank you for creating this awesome and smart template!"
"kudos on your fine and utterly helpful projects !"
"Noel, I've just stumbled on your amazing site. You mention you like attention and deserve it. To have so much creative ability is wonderful and to team it with your technical skills is wonderful. As a user of older software it's good to find stuff that works with older versions of AE. Congratulations and thanks."
"I purchased the 3D story book for a fairy tale project. It is a great template."
"I absolutely love your work! It inspires me so much! I almost couldn’t sleep last night due to the huge amount of ideas that keep pouring in! "
"Great work by the way on the typewriter and your portfolio! And the instructional video was really complete and easy to follow"
"Your VHS effects are probably the best i've seen out there"
"Hi! I just found your effects and I LOVE the graffiti effect template for After Effects."
"Love these effects"
"I want to say thank you for all your great templates. I've been using the Critter Collection extensively on our Youtube channel. Last night I purchased your Beast Bundle as well as Infinite Horizon. Can't wait to dive into both of them."
"I bought your (truly) outstanding 'Creation Film Effects' yesterday"
"your stuff is awesome bro congrats.. brilliant...."
Hi! I'm a long time after effects animator and just stumbled on your wonderful tools. I'm blown away at the thought and effort that must have gone into each one. I've never seen anything like it before and really truly impressed.
"I wanted to congratulate you for the awesome products. I particularly love the opening book animations for after effects. They look so elegant."
"These AE template are the work of genius. Noel has crafted a unique world of customisable imaginative artisan compositions which are astounding in their realism and super useful. They allow me to realise believable productions I otherwise could not afford to make. Thank you!!!"
"These are really great! Well done for making these available and for such a good price! I look forward to adding these to my projects."
"I have purchased MOST of what you have created over the years and I love it all :)"
"Hi Noel, Your Storybook Template is EVERYTHING! I can't get over how detailed the project file is. Oh, and I can't get over the detail in your tutorial videos. I use templates all the time, but this one totally blew my mind. Thank you."
"I really like your way of explaining/teaching, keep up the good work!"
"I’m an indie filmmaker from Cambridge, Ma. I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK U! These effects that you’ve created are a major game changer for artists like myself who need big effects at a low cost."
"thank you sir, 10 for customer support!"
"First, I appreciate you being responsive to my request. Second, you're helping the small guy like me be successful. Finally, you become significant as you share a part of your ten thousand hour journey in the art of AE."
'I really am 'hooked' on CreationEffects. In addition to the products, I learn so much about After Effects from your tutorials, tips and by reverse engineering your comps."
"You are amazing .... I didn't hesitate purchasing Landscaper ... game changer"
"Landscaper is truly amazing!"
"I can not describe it with words how much I love your work. Looking at each of your projects, I can clearly tell how passionate , dedicated, smart and genius you are. Your projects are so detailed and well organized,, It is a true definition of perfectionism. It just blows my mind. It's like you pour your soul in each of your projects. I always look forward to new projects from you. Please never stop creating!"
"Great job on the templates, looking forward to incorporating them into future projects."
"Love love love the [Creation Glitch Effects] template!! It gives you all the control over your glitch art. Infinite possibilities, great quality and well explained. I will use it often."
"I think your work is hands down some of the best looking projector effect I've seen."
"Noel, oh my Gosh, what an amazing, spectacular, tremendous, fabulous, utterly sensational product you have for After Effects"
"just got vhs fx, very nice!"
"I LOVE the Flocks! Wow!"
"I'm a big fan of your work. I'm from China. Your work is really amazing and the effect is very charming. As an entrepreneur, I found what you shared in your "about" section very compelling. I appreciate your responsiveness, the structure and apparent quality you have added into your products."
"huuuuge respect for your awesome work! Keep that up"
"Your lens flares are great so far. I just purchased and have been testing them with some beautiful results."
"wow these tools are really great and really easy to learn."
"Congratulations for the nice effects and talents you have, I have tried some of the Creation Series Bundle and they are amazing, very impressive what you can get from AE! Thank you."
"All I can say is you've got some mad skills using AE - Keep up the great work!"
"Thank you for creating such a brilliant effect, you are a genius graphics artist/engineer. Your work really opens an efficiently brilliant area of creativity for me."
"Great stuff by the way [Creation Film Effects]. It's fantastic that you create so much inside of Ae, over stacks and stacks of pre-rendered footage that so many others seem to do."
"I just wanted to say how impressed I am by your videos!"
"You are a genius at this After Effects stuff!"
"Thanks again for your time and valuable guidance. This [Custom 3D Storybook] is one of the best masterpiece I've bought so far. I can see a lot of thinking and effort placed crafting this masterpiece. It's just awesome. I spent time going through your youtube tutorial and it was very helpful."
"Just bought your amazing Schools AE Project for my company and let me tell you: what a great lesson in after effects mastery you just gave us!"
"Thank you Noel. You're doing a great job. You're templates are awesome. "Even better than the real thing" ."
"I purchased Creation Glitch Effects in April and loved it."
"Thank you! I love playing with your effects, they are so much fun!"
"Noel, your Landscaper is simply incredible! It has performed
beautifully. Thanks again for a really terrific job on this tool!"
"I just spent the last 2 hrs. trying to figure out a good Pen / Pencil drawing effect... SOLD!!!"
"Absolutely LOVING this [Custom 3D Storybook] template. Saved me countless hours"
"Awesome is the only way to describe your effects."
"I already purchased the VHS one you offer for other projects (Namely the 'Delta History' sequence on the movie Neighbors)"
"WOW! I'm so glad I found your website. The 3D Storybook template is exactly what I was looking for. Wonderful customer service from Noel. I highly recommend any of the templates he creates! Very simple to understand and awesome in quality and versatility. Thank you so much for your help!!!!"
"Starting to use the Custom 3D Storybook. The program is brill. Thank you too for the excellent tutorials - straight forward, to the point and they also improve the use and learning of AE itself."
"I am blown away by your VHS effects package. I've been searching like crazy to find a way to create that VHS audio distortion effect."
"I’ve used several of your products over the years and I love your work. Thanks for building great tools for animators"
"I bought Networks a couple of days ago. It’s beautifully done and super easy to use (and I consider myself a novice AE user)."
"I've been doing After Effects and Motion Graphics for 14+ years and have never seen a more versatile template. Noel has put so much time and thought into every detail, it makes it really easy to achieve the look that's in your head. As I'm purchasing more of his templates, he puts the same amount of thought, time and detail into every one. I'm a huge fan!"
"I really love your templates, top-notch"
"You are amazing! Thanks soo much again! I love your work and your tutorials, very good! Can't wait to see new stuff from you."
"I stumbled upon your website quite by chance and I'm impressed! Great stuff."
"I am a HUGE fan of your original animation. You blew me away! Very authentic."
"Hi, i have made aurora exhibits in iceland, and im so excited to have found your [Aurora Effect] plugin - you really got the closest ive seen in any comparable product."
"Hi Noel (and the Wife!) I've just purchased the art effects and I'm amazed - I'm still on the trial of AE CC to be honest, so a complete n00b at this kind of thing, but so excited for the possibilities going forward!! :-)"
"I would personally promote your projects for free if I ever start a YouTube channel dedicated to AE tutorials. You deserve more attention! I wish you the best of best! I truly appreciate your work!"
"I'd like to say how much I LOVE your old film effects pack. It's turning out to be a game changer for me!"
"Just wanted to say keep up the good work! I've been using a few of your templates for years now and ... thank you for making my life easier! I'm an ok editor but Your templates have made all of this so much easier; easy to follow, modify, and test things out. I really appreciate you having the instructions as a layer in the templates."
"I purchased your 3d story book and love your work."
"I love your work and your tutorials, very good! Can't wait to see new stuff from you"
"we want to congratulate with you for your work, your effects are really cool and realistic"
"I just want to start off by saying I love the work your doing. I am fairly new to after effects and have been searching the internet for some quality templates and effects. Thank you so much for your great work."
"I would also like to take this opportunity to share how much I enjoy this [Custom 3D Bible] project and that I plan on purchasing additional effects."
"I have purchased most of your project files on Revostock and I have to say you make the best stuff on there."
"I purchased 3D Flip Book Effect yesterday. Your product is very nice!"
"Thanks, Noel - you did amazing work! I played a little bit, just WOW!!"
"Nothing is impossible for you. You have always surprised us with your creative mind."
"A couple of months ago I bought the CREATION FILM EFFECTS, which has basically changed my life :) I use it now for everything, to further achieve a unique video look. I also use the GLITCH EFFECTS quite a lot, which is absolutely brilliant."
"I purchased your Creation Art Effects recently, and first of all I just want to say AMZAING JOB! Great Plugin! One can tell that you have an artistic background and know what it is about. I have a background in art as well and went into video and animation, and I am amazed by the comprehensiveness and results of this plugin - you thought of all the details, the look, the textures the frame rates etc. and have done a great job putting it all into After Effects. I am not sure yet if we will be using it for our project, as I have to test and check the results with my team, but just want to express my appreciation for this amazing plugin that I sure would like to keep. I especially love the authentic rough look of the charcoal, pencils and whiteboard."
"I have been looking at the templates you produce and am bowled over by what is possible. I have had After Effects (CS5.5) for quite a while but have always found it difficult and cumbersome to use but now I see what is possible, I want to get to use it more."
"Congrats on your work, it's almost like the holy grail of motion graphics ;)"
"I'm a big fan of your work! Really, these are some stellar presets and they are very impressive."
"love the effects here. genius stuff."
"Noel, thank you so much. Love your products. You're a legend."
"Keep doing what you are doing! Template is amazing and I hope business is good."
"I just downloaded your Storybook AE template and I'm so excited! I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for creating this and all of the other templates! The Art Effects one is definitely next on my list! You have a gift for this and you are certainly making it easier for me and people like me to bring our ideas and projects to life without having to worry so much about the technical aspects, and that is worth WAY more than you can imagine! Anyhow, just wanted to express my appreciation for you and your work!"
"I just discovered your website browsing youtube, I'm so glad. That was the highlight of my day ;-))Awesome templates! so well organised & great tuto as well."